In a service during which several of Father George’s fellow priests gave him Holy Unction, he offered the following sermon. Many think it’s his last, but we still hold out for a miracle. Here is his promise to us:
I love you with my whole breath, with my whole heart. You are me and I am you.
We have read books about what the afterlife will be. I will simply tell you this. If I have a voice, if I am allowed, I will say great things about you. I will offer you unto the Lord. That’s why we’re here today, because I’m sick. I promise you, I will be healed of this disease, either on Earth or in heaven. That’s how I want to end my ministry.
One way or another, somehow, whether here or on the other side of the coin, I will be with you.”
-Father George Livanos
PrsVangie Orfanakos With prayers of Fr. Peter John-Peter in our hearts always says
These words are so strengthening, beyond description. Thank you for truly nourishing us with this everlasting Soul Food For Life, as our Heavenly Father lovingly and mercifully administers every priestly and heavenly gift to you, constantly feeding your soul, daily and eternally.
GusandDonna says
Beth Orfanos says
I love you
Beautiful words and sentiment Father George☦️
Nicholetta Demetelin says
God bless you Father George The service was very moving and brought me to tears. May God keep you and protect you always.
Joy Hara Morris says
Father Son of God .
Presvitera Vangie Orfanakos inform me how spiritual you are and you need Powerful prayers for your health . We all need you on earth to pray for us , Therefor I’m trying to ask God to make you well soon . God is Good , He will keep you on Earth. Father George .
Happy and Healthy with your Family. In GOD WE TRUST
Joy Hara Morris says
Father George
Presvitera Vangie Orfanakos inform me how spiritual you are and you need Powerful prayers for your health . We all need you on earth to pray for us , Therefor I’m trying to ask God to make you well soon . , He will keep you on Earth. Father George .
Happy and Healthy with your Family. In GOD WE TRUST