Beloved family and friends of All Saints, It is with the utmost and deepest sorrow but everlasting hope in the resurrection of Christ that I announce to you the passing of our beloved Fr. George Livanos, proistamenos of our All Saints community for the past 33+ years. There are few words that can comfort the…
Cross or Consequence?
God says to pick up our cross and follow him. It sounds easy enough. When we look at our life, sometimes we can easily understand what that cross is, but are there different types of crosses? That’s an important question to ask because sometimes, these are not the crosses that God gives us, but these…
Might we be cheating God?
God gave us gifts and talents and treasures, and you have to ask yourself the question, are we using all of these gifts, talents and treasures for His glory or are we keeping some back for us and giving him back just a little bit? Why do we freak out giving 10% as our tithe?…
Choosing My Burial Plot
I’m standing in a cemetery because today, by the Grace of God, I received the blessing to choose my burial plot. I’m honored to be at an Orthodox cemetery. I’m not afraid when I look down and look around at the beautiful life examples that have been laid to physical rest here. We can’t be…
Reflections from an Octopus
I feel like an octopus. Not many armed (but maybe a very big head), I feel pulled out of the water and beaten, then hung out in the sun to dry. Does that seem violent to you? It doesn’t to me. As a delicacy, I love octopus. But what I love about that image of…
Father George’s Holy Unction
In a service during which several of Father George’s fellow priests gave him Holy Unction, he offered the following sermon. Many think it’s his last, but we still hold out for a miracle. Here is his promise to us: I love you with my whole breath, with my whole heart. You are me and I…