I feel like an octopus. Not many armed (but maybe a very big head), I feel pulled out of the water and beaten, then hung out in the sun to dry. Does that seem violent to you? It doesn’t to me.
As a delicacy, I love octopus. But what I love about that image of the octopus is that once it’s take out of its element, it is beaten upon the rocks. I mean, really beaten mercilessly and then hung to dry in order for it to become the most excellent delicacy. Do you see the spiritual message there?
Our life in Christ (if it’s in the comfort of our everyday existence, where all our needs are met) may seem good but the truth of the matter is something better is waiting for us, where we’re taken out of our comfort zone and beaten. Not punished, but beaten, not to be broken but to be made soft, losing control of our selfishness / worldliness and then presented as a fine delicacy which belongs to the master of life.
I’m thankful for this beating because I want to be presented to my Lord whole and unblemished. On my own, I know I can’t do it. I know that after this beating, there will be tremendous delicacy, a soft heart, a soft soul where the master will be well pleased.
Fr. G
You are a remarkable human being.
You are an inspiration to everyone who has had the good fortune of meeting and spending time with you in any setting.
Thank you for your love, courage and peace you share with everyone. I am blessed to know you and your wonderful family.
I love you.
Dear Father George,
I am a friend of yours from Florida although we have never met. My friend Dena Zames asked me to pray for you and
I have prayed consistently for your recovery since knowing of your illness.
I watch the service of the Holy Unction for you which was very beautiful and well deserved. I wish we could have met in person.
I have enjoyed your” Soul Food For Life” Messages. I have been enlightened and found your words very meaningful and I thank you. God Bless you, your beautiful Presvetera and your family.
In Christian love.
Dear Father George L. L…. Allow yourself to be selfish, at times! Yes, you as the Octopus 🐙, have taken a beating! As you so graciously stated; you are now a delicacy!!! Amen and in God’s Grace and love, let us each pray for one another and we shall be healed!!!
God bless you Fr. George. I love you and miss you. Our trip to Jerusalem was a blessing of a lifetime. May God forgive us both. You are in my prayers. 🙏🙏✝️✝️
I love this analogy. You describe our lives here on earth so well. It seems like we get a good beating every so often! Hopefully I’ll be a real good delicacy by the end.
Thank you fir your words Father
Dear Fr. George,
A few years ago I “heard” about you in the same week from two people that I love, my priest, Fr. Jason DelVitto and a friend of over 40 years, Dena Zaimes. They both mentioned you in casual conversations and with much love and admiration. Time passed and Dena told me of your illness and would send me some of your inspiring messages, like this one.
I just wanted you to know that I’ve been praying for you and your family and will continue to. I understand why you are loved and admired. You’re an inspiration to all of us as we face the challenges of this life!
Yours in prayer,
Linda Solomon Schnupp
God bless you Father George, everyone loves you and sends much love 💕 your way . Only God knows when we are called home. Everyone who knows you are very blessed to have had you in their lives. God 🙏 bless you always.
Fr. George:
Thank you for this beautiful, heartfelt, and challenging message. And, for allowing God, even in the midst of these present struggles, to use you to point us to His Glory. Kali dynami adelfe.
“Reflections from an Octopus”
The metaphoric incitement like this is why I think of you often.
Get well my friend.
Thank you Father ´
The most inspiring logo. You have brought amazingly peace in my life from your inspirational sermons. God bless you always .
We love you too Fr George, always. Your mentorship and friendship has meant a great deal to us over years, and your messages now inspire us further in our ministry and mission work.
Father George, I feel blessed to have spent time with you in Tarpon for a few hours at lunch. I sat next to you at lunch and you were such an inspiration to me of a man with strong faith. You have been in my prayers ever since and will forever remain in my prayers. You are a person who will not be easily forgotten. I enjoyed meeting Presbytera and you son. I have seen pictures of you with your family. I told my dear friend Christina Toras how blessed to have a spiritual leader like you. I know you’re going through a difficult time. I will pray fir you and your family. I want to say GOD be with you but I know you will be with HIM ALWAYS. WITH LOVE IN CHRIST. Kathie Tsataros 🙏🏻❤️😘
My beloved Brother in Christ, Fr. George,
What a powerful, succinct and Spirit-filled teaching you hav given to us! It reminds me of one of my favorite passages from the book, HYMN OF ENTRY, by Geronta Vasileios of Iviron. You are becoming for us a living ikon of these words:
“Fortunate is the man who is broken in pieces and offered to others, who is poured out and given to others to drink. When his time of trial comes, he will not be afraid. He will have nothing to fear. He will already have understood that, in the celebration of love, ‘by grace man is broken and not divided, eaten and never consumed.’ By grace he has become Christ, and so his life gives food and drink to his brother. That is to say, he nourishes the other’s very existence and makes it grow.”
Thank you, Father George, for your words of inspiration and wisdom. You are, and will continue to be, in my prayers. May God continue to bless you.