You’re familiar with “Let Go….. Let God,” but what does that mean actually? “Let Go” doesn’t mean being irresponsible, it means don’t put a choke hold around the everyday thoughts and cares of life. There is a greater power than what you and I are able to secure for ourselves. That’s where “Let God” comes…
Gratitude vs. Complaining
We live in a world with constant complaining. We complain about elections, food, masks, the economy. The more you complain, the more you attract complaining. And before you know it, you find yourself in an environment of constant complaining. Imaging if we did that with gratitude. We would be attracted to gratitude. God wants us…
Heavenly Deposits
Have you ever got a tax refund? It’s exciting, free money! But technically that’s money you already gave the government; that money was really a free loan. Think of good deeds that way. One day, we will all pass away and and be judged. So why not do a lot of good deeds? Wholesome deeds?…
Thanksgiving Message
Soul food isn’t necessarily a recipe, but it feeds the soul which feeds the body. It’s really important that Thanksgiving is not just a holiday for turkey and family dinner, but an opportunity for appreciation and thanks giving. Here’s the recipe: write 7 letters or less to people who have made an impact on you.